新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《寂静岭》疑似迎来两款新作,其中一款由《灵媒》开发商负责


Silent hill is suspected to have two new works, one of which is in the charge of the developer of spirit media

2021-02-19 10:41:46来源: 游戏时光

由「恐怖游戏专业户」Bloober Team 工作室开发的心理恐怖游戏《灵媒》于上个月正式发售,游戏的叙事和剧情得到了不少好评,不过在优化和玩法设计上还有待更多的打磨。 据工作室 CEO Piotr Babieno 透露,他们内部除了《灵媒》以外,还有一款已经开发了一年有余的恐怖题材游戏:实际上,我们已经在另一个恐怖游戏 IP 上投入了一年有余,这款游戏我们是和一个非常知名的游戏发行商合作的。我不能告知详情,不过我很确定当大家知道我们在做的内容时,会非常兴奋的。 从知名发行商加恐怖游戏的组合来看,这款游戏很有可能是此前传言已久的《寂静岭》新作。 外媒 VGC 在报道上述新闻时,声称从他们的数个情报渠道获悉,科乐美已经将《寂静岭》新作外包给了一家知名的日本开发商,并且会在今年夏天公布这个项目。“日本的

Psychophobic game "psychic media", developed by "horror game specialist" bloober team studio, was officially released last month. The narrative and plot of the game have received a lot of praise. However, the optimization and play design still need more polishing. &According to Piotr babieno, CEO of the studio, in addition to psychic media, there is a horror game that has been developed for more than a year: in fact, we have invested more than a year in another horror game IP, which we have cooperated with a very well-known game publisher. I can't tell you the details, but I'm sure you'll be very excited when you know what we're doing. Judging from the combination of well-known publishers and horror games, this game is likely to be the new work of silent hill, which has been rumored for a long time.