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Yoshida revealed that the Xbox version of "Final Fantasy 14" still needs to wait for some time

2021-02-19 07:44:37来源: 游戏时光

Xbox 负责人菲尔·斯宾塞曾在 2019 年末表态称《最终幻想14》登陆 Xbox 平台只是时间问题。随着《最终幻想14》PS5 版和新资料片的公布,Xbox 版仍未推出,不免令人有些疑惑。 游戏监督吉田直树接受外媒采访,透露了 Xbox 版还未推出的原因。他首先是否认了外媒猜测 Xbox 开发遇到了障碍的说法,并称赞菲尔·斯宾塞的大力支持。 他表示主要问题是团队没有足够的精力让所有工作都能同时进行。目前对于新资料片“晓月的终焉”,以及要继承 PS4 版服务的 PS5 版游戏,这些内容优先级更高。至少还需等待这些内容完成后才会重新将资源投入到 Xbox 版的开发当中。来源:VG247

&Phil Spencer, the head of & nbsp; Xbox, said in late 2019 that it was only a matter of time before final fantasy 14 landed on the Xbox platform. With the release of the ps5 version of Final Fantasy 14 and the new expansion, the Xbox version has not yet been released, which makes people confused. &In an interview with foreign media, game supervisor Naoki Yoshida revealed why the Xbox version has not yet been launched. He first denied the foreign media speculation that Xbox development encountered obstacles, and said zanfel Spencer's strong support. &The main problem, he says, is that the team doesn't have enough energy to do everything at the same time. At present, for the new expansion "the end of Xiaoyue", as well as the ps5 version of the game to inherit the PS4 service, these contents have higher priority. At least we need to wait for these contents to be completed before we can put resources back into the development of the Xbox version. Source: VG247

标签: Xbox 最终幻想