新关注 > 信息聚合 > Paradox推出订阅服务,月付22元畅玩《十字军之王2》所有DLC


Paradox launched a subscription service and paid 22 yuan a month to play all DLCs of "king of the Crusades 2"

2021-02-19 10:52:13来源: 游戏时光

Paradox Interactive 在 Steam 平台为《十字军之王2》推出了一项订阅服务,月付 22 元人民币,玩家就能直接玩到本作总价上千元的全部 DLC。另外,游戏本体已经在 2019 年转为免费游戏了。该订阅服务包含 13 个主要拓展内容、12 个单位包、14 个音乐包、10 个世界各地统治者的服装和相貌包,另外还包括起始君主编辑器、能够将存档转换导入《欧陆风云4》的工具等内容。这所有 DLC 加起来总价为 1101 元人民币。Paradox 在公告中表示,他们正在探索把这种服务推行到旗下其它游戏中。Paradox 并不是首个在 Steam 推出订阅服务的厂商。2020 年 4 月,有网友发现 Steam 后台代码出现了订阅相关的选项,后来如多数人所猜测的那样,EA 订阅服务 EA Play 入驻

Paradox Interactive launched a subscription service for "king of the Crusaders 2" on steam platform. For a monthly payment of 22 yuan, players can directly play all DLC with a total price of thousands of yuan. In addition, the game itself has become a free game in 2019. The subscription service includes 13 main expansion contents, 12 unit packages, 14 music packages, 10 clothing and appearance packages of rulers from all over the world, as well as the editor of the initial monarch and the tool to import the archive transformation into eurocloud 4. The total price of all DLC is 1101 yuan. Paradox said in its announcement that it was exploring ways to extend the service to its other games. Paradox is not the first company to launch a subscription service in steam. In April 2020, some netizens found that there were subscription related options in steam background code. Later, as most people guessed, EA subscription service EA play entered