新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一家销售PS5替换面板的公司表示无惧索尼起诉


A company selling ps5 replacement panels said it was not afraid of Sony suing

2021-02-14 12:45:57来源: 游戏时光

虽然之前不少尝试销售 PlayStation 5 替换面板的公司都收到了索尼的警告,但仍有一家加拿大公司正在销售替换面板,还对索尼喊话:“来啊,告我们啊”。PS5的侧板确实很容易替换,让人不由猜测索尼这么设计就是为了推出官方的替换面板,尽管官方尚未推出这一产品。但不少玩家或公司都制作了类似产品。这个名为 Darkplates 的替换面板由 Dbrand 推出,颜色为哑光黑色,为两种 PS5 提供了对应的版本。Dbrand 在其网站上嚣张地写道:随着 Darkplates 的发布,不可想象的事情已经发生,我们已经吸取了索尼在糟糕设计方面的不朽成就……并修正了它。我们只能假设我们的诺贝尔奖已经在路上了。Dbrand 的面板和 PS5 原装的面板一样,都有微小的纹理,但实际上图案和原装的略有差异——这让他们自信可以免

Although many companies trying to sell the replacement panel of Playstation 5 have received the warning from Sony before, a Canadian company is still selling the replacement panel and shouting to Sony: "come on, tell us.". The ps5 side panel is really easy to replace, which makes people speculate that Sony's design is to launch the official replacement panel, although the official product has not yet been launched. But many players or companies have made similar products. The replacement panel, called darkplates, was introduced by dbrand in matte black, providing the corresponding versions for the two ps5. "With the release of darkplates, the unthinkable has happened, and we have learned from Sony's immortal achievements in poor design And fixed it. We can only assume that our Nobel Prize is on the way. The panel of dbrand is the same as the original panel of ps5, which has tiny texture, but in fact the pattern is slightly different from the original one, which makes them confident that they can avoid it

标签: 索尼 PS