新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam销量周榜:多人在线生存游戏《英灵神殿》二连冠


Steam's weekly sales list: multiplayer online survival game "the temple of heroes" won the second consecutive title

2021-02-15 09:11:01来源: 游戏时光

新一周(2.8~2.14)的 Steam 销量榜出炉,本周位于销量榜榜首的仍是多人开放世界沙盒生存游戏《英灵神殿》(Valheim),本作继 Steam 下载量超 100 万份后,其在线人数也一路走高,24 小时内同时在线人数超过了 34 万。 新的一周销量榜前三游戏没有任何变化,第二和第三分别为修真题材 Roguelike 游戏《鬼谷八荒》和“战国受死”游戏续作《仁王2》完全版。 前十榜上的新作有《哈尼炮2 双重约会》,本作于 2 月 8 日发售,位于榜单第七,但由于本作在 Steam 国区无法购买和查看,想要贡献一份销量的朋友得自备外区账号才行。 本周 Steam 销量排名《英灵神殿》《鬼谷八荒》《仁王2》完全版《绝地求生》《腐蚀》Valve Index VR 套件

In the new week (2.8 ~ 2.14), steam's sales list was released. This week, the top selling game in the sales list is still valheim, a multiplayer open world sandbox survival game. Following steam's more than 1 million downloads, the number of people online is also rising, with more than 340000 online in 24 hours. &There is no change in the top three games in the new week's sales list. The second and third are respectively the complete version of "ghost Valley" and "RenWang 2", the sequel of "death in the Warring States period". &One of the top ten new works on the list is "Hani gun 2 double date", which went on sale on February 8, ranking seventh on the list. However, because this work can't be purchased and viewed in steam country, friends who want to contribute a part of their sales have to bring their own account number in other regions. &Amp; nbsp; steam's sales ranking this week: Temple of the spirits, eight wastelands of ghost Valley, king of humanity 2 full version Jedi survival, corrosion valve index VR Suite

标签: 游戏 Steam