新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软将于本月举办“AI与游戏”主题线上技术峰会


Microsoft will hold "AI and Games" online technology summit this month

2021-02-14 17:30:58来源: 游戏时光

微软近日宣布将于 2021 年 2 月 23 日到 24 日举办为期两天的“AI与游戏”主题线上技术峰会。 会议邀请了诸多微软研究院的研究员、名校教授以及游戏产业资深开发者参与技术分享。Xbox 负责人菲尔·斯宾塞,微软研究院游戏智能方向领导兼首席研究员卡特娅·霍夫曼出席全体会议。 该峰会在全体会议后大致分为如下几个路线。这些路线会同时进行,听众可根据各个演讲内容选择适合自己的部分。游戏中和游戏测试中的 AI 代理。包括伦理、安全、包容等方面在内的积极游戏(Responsible Gaming)。计算创造力和内容生成。玩家理解、玩家参与和分析学。 该峰

&Microsoft recently announced that it will hold a two-day "AI and Games" online technology summit from February 23 to 24, 2021. &The conference invited many researchers from Microsoft Research Institute, professors from famous universities and senior developers of game industry to participate in technology sharing. Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, and Katya Hoffman, head of game intelligence at Microsoft Research Institute, attended the plenary session. &After the plenary meeting, the summit can be roughly divided into the following routes. These routes will be conducted at the same time, and the audience can choose the appropriate part according to the content of each speech. AI agents in game and game testing. Responsible gaming, which includes ethics, safety and inclusiveness. Computational creativity and content generation. Player understanding, player engagement and analytics. &The peak

标签: 游戏 微软 AI