新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《彩虹六号:封锁》或已改名为《彩虹六号:寄生》 支持PSV遥控游玩

《彩虹六号:封锁》或已改名为《彩虹六号:寄生》 支持PSV遥控游玩

Rainbow 6: blockade or renamed rainbow 6: parasitism supports PSV remote control

2021-02-16 10:16:01来源: 游戏时光

不久前在电话财报会议上,育碧总裁 Yves Guillemot 提到为了避讳新冠,《彩虹六号:封锁》或将考虑改名。今天,外媒 MP1st 通过数据挖掘发现本作似乎已经更名为《彩虹六号:寄生》。MP1st 发现,育碧已经在一个星期前将本作的 1.01 版本初始启动补丁上传到了 PSN 服务器。挖掘出的数据中似乎包含了本作 PS4 版的图标和启动界面,其中均显示了游戏的新名字为《彩虹六号:寄生》。另外,数据文件显示本作将支持 PSV 遥控游玩。《彩虹六号:封锁》原计划于 2021 年 3 月 31 日前发售,受新冠疫情影响,延期至 2021 年 4 月~9 月内推出。来源:playstationlifestyle

Not long ago, Yves guillemot, President of Ubisoft, mentioned that in order to avoid the new crown, rainbow 6: blockade might consider changing its name. Today, mp1st, a foreign media, discovered through data mining that this work seems to have changed its name to rainbow 6: parasitism. Mp1st found that Ubisoft had uploaded the initial startup patch of version 1.01 to the PSN server a week ago. The excavated data seems to contain the icon and start-up interface of the PS4 version, in which the new name of the game is rainbow 6: parasitism. In addition, the data file shows that this work will support PSV remote control play. Rainbow Six: the blockade was originally planned for sale before March 31, 2021. It was postponed to the effect of COVID-19.

标签: PS