新关注 > 信息聚合 > Marvelous创办「独立游戏孵化器」


Marvelous founded independent game incubator

2021-02-16 10:51:17来源: 游戏时光

曾开发《牧场物语》系列等游戏的厂商 Marvelous 宣布将于 2021 年内开展针对独立游戏团队的线上扶持计划“独立游戏孵化器”(Indie Game Incubator,简称 iGi),将请到《天穗之咲稻姬》等近年来日本热门独立游戏的开发团队以及游戏工业各领域的专家担任讲师,为日本有意制作独立游戏的小团队进行训练和执导。 本次计划由巴西游戏媒体 GameBCN 牵头,预计在日本国内召集 5 组游戏开发志愿者(团队和个人均可),目前居住在日本并能流利使用日语的志愿者均可在 3 月中旬—4 月中旬期间前往官网应征,预计将于 6 月—11 月在线上开展,届时会组织国内外游戏开发者定期交流,并从项目管理、游戏引擎、全球本地化、出版、法律支持等各个方面对开发志愿者进行指导,并为他们提供国内外游

Marvelous, which has developed the series of games such as "the tale of pastures", announced that it will launch an online support program "indie game incubator" (abbreviated as "indie game incubator") for independent game teams in 2021 IGI) will invite the development teams of popular independent games in Japan in recent years, such as Kazuo Inagi, and experts in various fields of the game industry as lecturers, to train and direct small teams interested in making independent games in Japan.    The plan is led by gamebcn, a Brazilian game media. It is expected that five groups of game development volunteers (both teams and individuals) will be convened in Japan. Currently, volunteers who live in Japan and are fluent in Japanese can apply on the official website from mid March to mid April, and they are expected to apply from June to November It will organize regular exchanges between domestic and foreign game developers, guide the development volunteers from project management, game engine, global localization, publishing, legal support and other aspects, and provide them with domestic and foreign games

标签: 游戏