新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《国王的恩赐2》延期到8月24日发售


The king's gift 2 has been postponed to August 24

2021-02-16 09:27:14来源: 游戏时光

1C Entertainment 宣布,《国王的恩赐2》的发售日从 3 月延期到 8 月 24 日。对此,本作制作人 Denis Maltzev 表示:目前游戏已经完成并可玩,但我们需要更多的时间来完成游戏测试、修复和打磨,推迟发售将给我们提供几个月宝贵的平衡期。因为游戏有着宏大的开放世界、复杂的叙事、有深度的回合制战术和 RPG 机制,对我们这个项目而言相当关键。初代《国王的恩赐》是 1990 年 Jon Van Caneghem 制作的一款回合制策略游戏,是《英雄无敌》系列的前身。后来 1C Entertainment 购得版权,复活了该系列。2008 年,Katauri Interactive 开发了《国王的恩赐:传奇》,随后该系列还推出了几款续作和独立扩展。首次在标题使用序号的《国王的恩赐2》将是一款做

1C entertainment announced that the sale date of King's gift 2 was postponed from March to August 24. In response, Denis maltzev, the producer of this work, said: the game is now complete and playable, but we need more time to complete the testing, repairing and polishing of the game. The delay in the release will provide us with a precious balance period of several months. Because the game has a grand open world, complex narrative, in-depth round tactics and RPG mechanism, which is very critical for our project. The gift of the king is a turn based strategy game made by Jon van caneghem in 1990, which is the predecessor of the hero series. Later, 1c entertainment acquired the copyright and revived the series. In 2008, katauri interactive developed King's gift: Legend, followed by several sequels and independent extensions. The king's gift 2, which uses serial numbers in the title for the first time, will be a good example