新关注 > 信息聚合 > 触乐问触乐·牛年篇


The year of the ox

2021-02-11 10:00:00来源: 触乐

“触乐问触乐”是我们几年来坚持的一个有点脑洞的策划。在这个特别策划中,触乐的每位成员会采访一位触乐的同事(包括你平时不怎么会在网站上见到的名字),采访对象是由抽签决定的,依然遵循媒体精神,所以没有事先编排的桥段,所以里面可能有很多让你意外或感兴趣的东西。 这个策划如同我们的年终合影,每年精心留下一张。如果你感兴趣,可以在触乐官网以及触乐微信公众号(chuappgame)中搜索“触乐问触乐”,就能看到过去几年的“留影”——我们已经把传统发扬到第六年了! 今年的春节不一般,我们有的编辑老师回到了温暖如春的祖国南疆,也有的在同样温暖如春的地方14天隔离,当然,更多老师欢乐地留京过年。坦白说,在要不要回去过年这个问题上,外地

&"Touch music ask touch music" is a plan that we have insisted on for several years. In this special plan, each member of touch music will interview a colleague of touch music (including the name you don't usually see on the website). The interviewee is determined by drawing lots and still follows the spirit of the media, so there are no pre arranged passages, so there may be many things that you are surprised or interested in.