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Ubisoft releases season tickets for the third quarter of era 1800

2021-02-10 20:25:16来源: 游戏时光

育碧旗下经营模拟游戏《纪元1800》已于 2020 年 10 月推出最新一弹 DLC“群狮之地”,今日官方现已公布本作将于 2021 年年内推出第三季季票,将包含 3 弹全新 DLC:贸易港区、旅游旺季、上流生活,季票售价 98 元,预购还将赠送 3 个装饰品建筑。 视频地址贸易港区(Docklands) 该 DLC 预计将于 2 月 23 日推出,将在游戏中加入一个模块化的港口仓库区域,将其转变为全球贸易枢纽,并允许玩家使用“进出口贸易合同”,从而与多个贸易伙伴以设定的汇率交换特定商品。码头区建筑的设计风格参考自自德国汉堡的“仓库城”(Speicherstadt),为玩家带来各种以港口为主题的新型装饰品,供玩家在岛屿上进行装饰。旅游旺季(Tourist Seaso

Ubisoft's business simulation game "era 1800" has launched the latest DLC "land of lions" in October 2020. Today, the official has announced that the third season tickets will be released in 2021, which will include three new DLCs: trading port, tourist peak season and upper class life. The season ticket price is 98 yuan, and three decoration buildings will be given away in advance. &The DLC is expected to be launched on February 23. It will add a modular port warehouse area to the game, transform it into a global trade hub, and allow players to use "import and export trade contracts" to exchange specific goods with multiple trading partners at set exchange rates. The architectural design style of the dock area is based on the "speicherstadt" in Hamburg, Germany, which brings various new port themed decorations for players to decorate on the island. Tourist season

标签: 游戏