新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2021年宝可梦世界锦标赛因疫情取消


Baokemeng World Championship in 2021 cancelled due to epidemic situation

2021-02-10 10:58:31来源: 游戏时光

宝可梦公司宣布,2021 年宝可梦世界锦标赛(WCS)取消。这是第二届因疫情取消的世界锦标赛,不过举办地点仍保持不变。2021 年的宝可梦世界锦标赛原定于伦敦举行,2020 年被取消的赛事原本也定在这个城市举行。宝可梦公司表示,推迟的决定基于“当地、地区和国家卫生当局以及世界卫生组织、英格兰公共卫生局和疾病控制预防中心提出的指导意见”。2021 年世锦赛受邀选手将继续被邀请参加 2022 年的赛事。同时,所有其他属于“Play! Pokémon”系列活动的赛事也将暂停。宝可梦公司表示,恢复的时间将另行通知,并且该公司“正在密切关注健康指导方针和相关政府机构的建议,以确定何时恢复赛事和运营对社群是安全的”。去年世锦赛的替代品是线上大会宝可梦玩家杯,今年也将是如此,玩家杯将从 6 月开始举行,项目包括宝可梦集换式卡

Baokemeng announced the cancellation of the 2021 baokemeng World Championships (WCS). This is the Second World Championship cancelled due to the epidemic, but the venue remains unchanged. The baokemeng World Championship in 2021 was originally scheduled to be held in London, and the tournament cancelled in 2020 was also scheduled to be held in this city. Baokemeng said the decision to postpone was based on "guidance from local, regional and national health authorities, as well as from the World Health Organization, the public health service of England and the Centers for Disease Control and prevention.". The 2021 World Championships invitees will continue to be invited to the 2022 events. Meanwhile, all other events in the "play! Pok é mon" series will also be suspended. Baokemeng said the timing of the recovery will be notified and that it "is closely following the health guidelines and the recommendations of relevant government agencies to determine when it is safe for the community to resume the event and operations.". The alternative to last year's World Championships was the online conference baokemeng player cup, which will be held this year. The player cup will be held from June, and the items include baokemeng set convertible card