新关注 > 信息聚合 > 视觉小说《泡沫冬景》全新篇章《和平默示录》即将登陆Steam


A new chapter in the visual novel "bubble winter scene" is about to land on Steam.

2021-02-10 16:31:15来源: 游戏时光

视觉小说《泡沫冬景》的全新篇章《和平默示录》将于 3 月 12 日正式登陆 Steam,本次更新共 12 章,售价 15 元。游戏设定在 1988 年泡沫经济下的日本,讲述生活在灰色地带的少年少女们不为人知的生活。与《泡沫冬景》游戏本体不同的是,《和平默示录》采取比较阴冷的色调,从另一个视角上演一出青春群像 AVG。故事简介1988年秋天,因为偶然间的小事,梁和平认识了樱井绘美。所有人都避让三分的梁和平,却被绘美这个不谙世事的小孩子给缠上了身。游走在灰色地带的梁和平,过着刀尖舔血的生活,早已忘记了什么是友谊和爱。面对绘美的天真无邪,原本他只会感到难堪。然而在不知不觉间,和平也渐渐对绘美敞开了心扉,只对绘美展现出了温柔的一面。从不谙世事的小孩口中说出的话,让和平的心中也泛起了一丝波澜。人物介绍梁和平 (配音:日野

A new chapter of the visual novel "bubble winter scene" will be officially landed on Steam in March 12th. This update includes 12 chapters, priced at 15 yuan. The game is set in Japan under the bubble economy in 1988, telling about the unknown lives of teenage girls living in the gray area. Unlike the "bubble winter view" game noumenon, "peace silent" takes a relatively cool tone and presents a youth group AVG from another perspective. In the autumn of 1988, Liang Heping got to know Sakurai picturesque because of a little accident. All of them avoid Liang Heping, but he is entangled by a child who is not familiar with the world. Walking in the gray area, Liang Heping lives a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife, and has long forgotten what friendship and love are. In the face of the naivety of painted beauty, he would only feel embarrassed. However, unconsciously, peace has gradually opened its heart to picturesque beauty, only showing a gentle side to picturesque beauty. The words from children who are not familiar with the world make peace in their hearts. Liang Heping (voice: Hino)

标签: Steam