新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天外世界》下一个扩展包将于4月前发售


Extraterrestrial's next expansion package will be available before April

2021-02-10 08:35:34来源: 游戏时光

据 Take-Two 财报信息透露,由黑曜石工作室开发的《天外世界》新扩展包《艾瑞丹诺斯谋杀案》(Murder on Eridanos)将于财年末期发售,也就是 3 月 31 日之前。《戈耳工危机》 《艾瑞丹诺斯谋杀案》是《天外世界》季票的第二个扩展包。目前我们对该扩展包内容还知之甚少,只知道故事与 Halcyon Helen 有密切联系。考虑到前一部扩展包《戈耳工危机》不仅有新剧情,还提升了玩家角色的最高等级,还带来了新装备、新外观等要素,也许新的扩展包也会有类似内容。来源:Eurogamer

&According to take two, the new extraterrestrial expansion package, murder on eridanos, developed by Obsidian studio, will go on sale at the end of the fiscal year, by March 31. The Goliath crisis, the murder of aridanos, is the second expansion package for the season ticket of extraterrestrial. At present, we know little about the content of the extension package, only that the story is closely related to halcyon Helen. Considering that the previous expansion package "Goliath crisis" not only has a new plot, but also improves the player's character's highest level, and also brings new equipment, new appearance and other elements, maybe the new expansion package will have similar content. Source: eurogamer