新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汤姆·赫兰德否认三代蜘蛛侠同框大荧幕传闻


Tom Holland denies three generations of Spiderman on big screen

2021-02-10 13:13:03来源: 游戏时光

在漫威电影宇宙中扮演蜘蛛侠的演员汤姆·赫兰德近日在接受采访时回应了有关新《蜘蛛侠》电影中 3 代蜘蛛侠电影演员同台登场的传闻,他否认了《蜘蛛侠》和《超凡蜘蛛侠》中分别饰演了两版蜘蛛侠的演员托比·马奎尔以及安德鲁·加菲尔德将会在新电影中出现。封面在采访中,赫兰德说到:不,不,他们不会在电影里出场的。除非他们(片方)把这么最大的事情给藏了起来,这事太大了,我不觉得他们能瞒住我。至少到目前为止还不是,这将是之前已经做出来的故事的后续。赫兰德会被问及此类问题也情有可原,在过去出场的蜘蛛侠电影或是复仇者联盟的电影上映前,他都有着不少让人难以判断是否是无意的泄露行为,例如《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》的海报泄露事件。不过似乎经历了大量偷跑的历练,漫威影业也采取了一些拍摄上的特殊手段,即将于年底上映的新《蜘蛛侠》电影已经拍摄了八

Tom Holland, who plays Spiderman in Marvel's movie universe, recently responded in an interview to questions about the three characters in the new Spiderman movie He denied that Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield, who played two versions of Spiderman in Spiderman and Spiderman, will appear in the new film. In the cover interview, Holland said: No, no, they won't appear in the film. Unless they hide the biggest thing, it's too big. I don't think they can hide it from me. At least not so far. This will be a follow-up to the story that has been done before. It's understandable that Holland would be asked such questions. Before the release of spider man movies or Avengers movies in the past, he had a lot of behaviors that make it difficult to judge whether it was unintentional leakage, such as the poster leakage of Avengers 3: Infinite War. However, it seems that after a lot of experience of sneaking away, marvel pictures has also adopted some special means of shooting. The new "Spider Man" film, which will be released at the end of the year, has been shot for eight years