新关注 > 信息聚合 > JRPG《龙星的瓦尔尼尔》将于2021年春登陆Switch


Jrpg's warner of Dragon Star will land on switch in the spring of 2021

2021-02-10 09:24:10来源: 游戏时光

地雷社(Compile Heart)宣布旗下原于 2018 年在 PS4 平台发售的 JRPG《龙星的瓦尔尼尔》将于 2021 年春登陆 Switch,本作此前已推出繁体中文版并登陆了 Steam 平台。 《龙星的瓦尔尼尔》(竜星のヴァルニール)是一款主打“魔女×巨龙”主题的暗黑风 RPG 游戏,舞台为矗立着巨大龙骨的世界:瓦涅尼亚,住在边境森林中的魔女因为巨龙的存在而受到迫害。某日,身负狩猎魔女使命的骑士,赛菲,在边境森林与同伴走散而遇险。虽然魔女米涅莎、卡莉嘉洛救下了他,但喝下龙血的他也因此与魔女一同被卷入残酷的命运漩涡之中。 地雷社为开发本作,请到了つなこ(“战机少女”系列)、まなみつ(《塔京 Clanpool》)、ナナメダケイ(“神狱塔”系列)、平野克幸(“限

Compile heart announced that its jrpg warner of Dragon Star, which was originally sold on PS4 platform in 2018, will land on switch in the spring of 2021. This work has already launched the traditional Chinese version and landed on steam platform. &Warnier of the Dragon Star is a dark wind RPG game with the theme of "witch x dragon". The stage is the world with a huge keel: vanenia. The witch living in the border forest is persecuted because of the existence of the dragon. One day, Saffi, a knight with the mission of hunting witches, was in danger when he separated from his companion in the border forest. Although the demons minessa and kalijaro saved him, he was also involved in the cruel fate whirlpool with the demons. &In order to develop this work, landmine society invited つなこ ("fighter girl" series), まなみつ ("Tahing clanpool"), ナナメダケイ ("God prison tower" series) and Hirano Kexing ("limit tower")

标签: Switch