新关注 > 信息聚合 > 泳装来了,《莱莎的炼金工房2》第三弹DLC即将发售


Here comes the swimsuit. The third DLC of "Eliza's Alchemy workshop 2" will be on sale soon

2021-02-09 17:02:18来源: 游戏时光

台湾光荣特库摩宣布,《莱莎的炼金工房2 ~失落传说与秘密妖精~》将于 2 月 10 日开始在各大平台发布付费 DLC 第三弹,本次的 DLC 将追加莱莎以及同伴们的七位角色们泳装。泳装 DLC 将分为七款,每款皮肤单价约为人民币 20 元。已经购买季票的玩家将能直接获得本次的 DLC 皮肤。莱莎专用泳装「热带之夏」兰托专用泳装「海滩夺旗之王」塔奥专用泳装「校外教学」 科洛蒂娅专用泳装「黑色连身比基尼」派翠夏专用泳装「白色海滨」克里佛德专用泳装「海洋宝藏」赛莉专用泳装「黑巧克力」购买季票除了能以更优惠的价格获得共 12 种 DLC 外,还能获得季票特典的莱莎专用服装。目前《莱莎的炼金工房 2》季票售价约合人民币 300 元。

Taiwan glory tekumo announced that "the alchemy workshop of Laisha 2 - lost legend and secret goblin ~" will launch the third paid DLC bullet on major platforms on February 10. This time, the DLC will add seven swimsuits of Laisha and her companions. The swimsuit DLC will be divided into seven styles, with a unit price of about RMB 20 per skin. Players who have purchased season tickets will be able to get the DLC skin directly. Leisha swimsuit "tropical summer" lanto swimsuit "king of the beach flag" Tao swimsuit "teaching outside school" & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Colotia's special swimsuit "black bikini" Patricia's special swimsuit "white seashore" Clifford's special swimsuit "ocean treasure" Saili's special swimsuit "dark chocolate" when you buy season tickets, you can get a total of 12 kinds of DLC at a more favorable price, and you can also get season ticket special clothing for Lisa. At present, the season ticket price of "Laisha's Alchemy workshop 2" is about 300 yuan.