新关注 > 信息聚合 > SuperGroupies新联名来了:这次是《鬼灭之刃》


The new name of supergroups is coming: this time it's ghost blade

2021-02-09 17:25:39来源: 游戏时光

著名周边品牌 SuperGroupies 将发售一批《鬼灭之刃》联动周边,包括“柱”主题手表、背包和钱包。现已开启预订(预约生产制),预计今年 7 月开始陆续发货。传送门:【专题页面】以下手表不含税价格均为 14800 日元,预约截至至 3 月 1 日。蝴蝶忍炼狱杏寿郎宇髓天元甘露寺蜜璃时透无一郎悲鸣屿行冥伊黑小芭内不死川实弥除了“柱”主题手表外,本次联动还有主角团主题的背包和钱包等商品,样式和价格详见下图。

Supergroups, a well-known peripheral brand, will sell a batch of ghost blade linked peripherals, including column themed watches, backpacks and wallets. Now the reservation system has been started, and it is expected that the goods will be delivered in succession in July this year. Portal: [special page] the price of the following watches excluding tax is 14800 yen, and the reservation is up to March 1. Butterfly endure purgatory apricot longevity Lang Yu Sui Tian Yuan Gan Lu Si Mi Li Shi tou Wu Yi Lang Wai Ming Yu Xing Ming Yi Hei Xiao Ba Nei undead Chuan Shi MI in addition to the "column" theme watch, this linkage also has the protagonist group theme backpack and wallet and other goods, the style and price are shown in the figure below.