新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全是新镜头,《黑神话:悟空》拜年短片公布


All new shots, "black Myth: Wukong" New Year video released

2021-02-09 10:15:32来源: 游戏时光

游戏科学在今日放出了《黑神话:悟空》拜年短片,内容全是新镜头,展示了游戏的多个新场景和诸多实机演示,此外在视频后半段还有一场 BOSS 战的混剪。视频地址:视频的结尾还很贴合“牛年”主题地出现了一只牛头怪物。 根据介绍,本视频仅为今年春节特意录制的混剪,与实际剧情无关。制作人冯骥在视频中表示“开发进度正常,岗位持续开放”,并为广大玩家送来祝福:临时起意哼小曲,拼凑剪辑莫考据;取经不易炼身体,西天路遥多休息;指正批评皆善意,健康第一常欢喜。祝大家在新的一年里,继续以饱满的情绪,投入每一场平凡的战斗!祝大家在牛年,不忘初衷,各显神通。

Today, Game Science released the new year's video of "black Myth: Wukong", which is full of new scenes, showing many new scenes and real machine demonstrations of the game. In addition, there is a mixed cut of boss war in the second half of the video. Video address: the end of the video is also very close to the "year of the ox" theme to appear a bull headed monster.