新关注 > 信息聚合 > 育碧国际商城新春促销现已开启


New year promotion of Ubisoft International Mall has been launched

2021-02-09 10:27:47来源: 游戏时光

育碧国际商城新春促销现已开启,截止至 2 月 22 日,全场百款游戏折扣,每日闪购等优惠活动均已开启。在育碧国际商城,不仅有育碧游戏喜加一,还有新春红包免费领。视频地址新春喜加一 少芸陪你过牛年2 月 10 日至 16 日,所有玩家均可免费领取《刺客信条编年史:中国》PC 标准版一份。作为首个以中国明朝为背景的《刺客信条》游戏,玩家将扮演女刺客少芸,展开一场复仇之旅。新春红包免费领新春促销活动期间,玩家访问育碧国际商城即可领取新春红包,开启后可随机获得礼品。不仅有机会获得《刺客信条 英灵殿》《渡神纪 芬尼斯崛起》等游戏激活码,更有购物车全单 0.1 折优惠码等奖品。领取红包及活动规则详询促销页面。每日闪购史低折扣即日起至 2 月 18 日,育碧国际商城每天都将推出一场限时闪购活动,《刺客信条 英灵殿》

The Spring Festival Promotion of Ubisoft International Mall has been launched. As of February 22, the discount of 100 games and daily flash shopping have been launched. In Ubisoft International Mall, there are not only Ubisoft game hi plus one, but also new year red envelopes for free. Video address: Happy New Year and a little cloud to accompany you in the year of the ox 2 & amp; nbsp; from October 10 to 16, all players can receive a free PC standard edition of the chronicle of Assassin's Creed: China. As the first "Assassin's Creed" game with the Ming Dynasty as the background, players will play the role of female assassin Shaoyun and start a journey of revenge. During the promotion activities, players can get the new year red envelope by visiting Ubisoft International Mall. After opening, they can get gifts at random. Not only have the opportunity to get "Assassin's Creed hall" and "the rise of givenness" and other game activation codes, but also the 0.1% discount code of shopping cart. Please refer to the promotion page for the red envelope and activity rules. From now on to February 18, Ubisoft International Mall will launch a limited time flash shopping activity every day, "Assassin's Creed Hall of heroes"