新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我的世界:地下城》「下界」DLC将于2月24日推出


"My world: underground city" DLC will be launched on February 24

2021-02-09 10:40:42来源: 游戏时光

Mojang Studios 此前公布了动作冒险游戏《我的世界:地下城》第二季季票将包含高山、下界、海洋、末地四个主题 DLC,今日官方宣布第二弹 DLC“下界之焰”将于 2 月 24 日正式登陆 PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC,同日游戏还将迎来一个全新的免费更新。 “下界之焰”DLC 将包含了6个关卡,以下界的多个不同群系为主题,包含独特的下界生物和敌人,并有全新的武器、盔甲和法器装备。购买“下界之焰”DLC 的玩家同时还将免费获得两款下界主题皮肤和一个宠物“Baby Ghast”。《我的世界:地下城》同日还将推出免费更新,提供所有玩家一个免费的全新模式“远古狩猎”,在这个模式中,玩家需要在下界古老生物的狩猎中生存下来,并且有机会获得新的货币“金子”,营地中也将出现新的商人

Mojang studios previously announced that season 2 tickets for the action adventure game "my world: dungeons" will include four themes: mountain, lower bound, ocean and terminal. Today, the official announced that the second DLC "lower bound flame" will officially land on PS4 / Xbox one / switch / PC on February 24, and the game will also usher in a new free update on the same day. &The DLC will contain six levels, with the theme of different formations in the lower world, including unique creatures and enemies in the lower world, as well as new weapons, armor and magic equipment. Players who buy "lower flame" DLC will also get two lower theme skins and a pet "baby ghast" for free. "My world: Dungeon" will also launch a free update on the same day, providing all players with a new free mode of "ancient hunting". In this mode, players need to survive the hunting of ancient creatures in the lower world, and have the opportunity to obtain new currency "gold", and new merchants will appear in the camp

标签: 我的世界