新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《泡泡龙 4伙伴》新年感谢抽奖活动现已开启

《泡泡龙 4伙伴》新年感谢抽奖活动现已开启

New year's thank you lucky draw of "4 buddies of bubble dragon" is now open

2021-02-09 11:12:38来源: 游戏时光

为庆祝旗下新作《泡泡龙4 伙伴》此前免费推出大型 DLC“骷髅阿怪的反击!”以及新春佳节的来临,亚克系统亚洲分店宣布开启了新年感谢活动,即日起至 2 月 28 日,游玩游戏并上传到 Facebook 的玩家均可参与豪华周边抽奖活动,购买最近发售的 PS4 的玩家还有机会抽中主题音乐盒礼品。 新年感谢活动的奖品包含连帽 T 恤(仅单一尺寸)、抱枕、钱包、橡胶挂件,参加活动的具体办法为打开 Switch/PS4 版《泡泡龙 4伙伴》游戏,游玩其中最新更新的“未来机台”模式,截下游戏画面或者视频,然后在 Facebook 亚克系统亚洲分店官博下分享并点赞该博文,同时以留言的方式将活动作品上传至粉丝专页的活动贴文下,附上“#泡泡龍4”“#中文版”标签,有能力科学上网的朋友不妨参与看看。

In order to celebrate its new work "bubble Dragon 4 partners", a large-scale DLC "skeleton monster's counterattack" was launched free of charge As well as the coming of the Spring Festival, the Asian branch of Yake system announced the opening of the new year's thank-you activity. From now on to February 28, players who play games and upload them to Facebook can participate in the luxury peripheral lucky draw, and those who buy the recently released PS4 also have the chance to win the theme music box gift.    The prizes for the new year's thank you event include a hooded T-shirt (single size only), pillow, wallet and rubber pendant. The specific way to participate in the event is to open the switch / PS4 version of "four friends of bubble dragon" game, play the latest "future machine" mode, cut the game screen or video, and then download it on Facebook The official blog of Asia branch of Yake system shares and praises the blog article. Meanwhile, the activity works will be uploaded to the activity post on the fan page by leaving a message, with the labels of "bubble Dragon 4" and "Chinese version". Friends who have the ability to access the Internet scientifically may as well take a look.