新关注 > 信息聚合 > 关于游戏驿站和华尔街,《主机战争》导演也要拍部电影


About the game station and Wall Street, the director of "mainframe war" will also make a film

2021-02-08 18:57:05来源: 游戏时光

算上 Netflix、米高梅和 HBO 的企划,描述「散户哄抬 GameStop 股价,导致华尔街精英亏损」的电影有可能达到四部,因为《主机战争》导演 Jonah Tulis 也正在筹划一部相关的纪录片,他将与《主机战争》的制作人 Julian Rosenberg 和作者 Blake Harris 继续合作。Tulis 在接受采访时表示:“这是一个真实的大卫和歌利亚的故事,我们的目标,是通过这些勇敢无畏的视角来讲述这个故事。(他们)在这个过程中赚了数百万美元,永远地改变了股市的格局。”对于不了解这起事件的人,可以简单概括一下背景 —— 外国贴吧 Reddit 的子板块 WallStreetBets 引领了一场“扎空”运动,疯狂购入华尔街精英们做空的股票(如 GameStop),导致很多对冲基金亏损严重。就连《大

Taking into account the plans of Netflix, MGM and HBO, it is possible that there will be up to four films describing "retail investors bid up the share price of Gamestop, resulting in the loss of Wall Street elites", because Jonah tulis, the director of host war, is also planning a related documentary. He will continue to work with Julian Rosenberg, the producer of host war, and Blake Harris, the author. "It's a true story of David and Goliath, and our goal is to tell it from these brave perspectives," tulis said in an interview. (they) made millions of dollars in the process and changed the pattern of the stock market forever. " For those who don't know about this incident, we can briefly summarize the background - Wall Street bets, a sub sector of reddit, has led a "short" campaign, and madly bought the stocks short by Wall Street elites (such as Gamestop), resulting in serious losses of many hedge funds. Even the big picture

标签: 游戏 电影