新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《牧场物语:橄榄镇与希望的大地》18分钟试玩视频公开


The story of the Ranch: olive town and the land of hope

2021-02-08 12:05:05来源: 游戏时光

Fami通于近日公布了《牧场物语:橄榄镇与希望的大地》18 分钟试玩视频,为大家展示了游戏的玩法内容。除了常见的砍树种田内容外,游戏还包含了赛狗和水上竞技等多种小游戏。本作讲述了城市少年少女继承祖父的小镇农场,并努力复兴这个农场的故事,预计于 2 月 25 日登陆 NS 平台,支持中文。来源:Fami 通

&Recently, famitong released an 18 minute trial video of "the story of the Ranch: olive town and the land of hope", which shows you how to play the game. In addition to the common content of tree cutting and farming, the game also includes dog racing, water sports and other small games. This work tells the story of a young girl inheriting her grandfather's small town farm and trying to revive it. It is expected to land on NS platform on February 25 to support Chinese. Source: fami Tong

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