新关注 > 信息聚合 > TUBBZ推出《生化危机》联动小黄鸭


Tubbz launched biochemical crisis and linked with duckling

2021-02-07 00:03:08来源: 游戏时光

Numskull 宣布,旗下 TUBBZ 系列现已推出新一批《生化危机》联动小黄鸭。本次的 5 款新品为艾达、追击者、汉克、商人和豆腐,每款商品售价 12.99 美元,同时购买 5 款商品只需 50 美元,现已开启预约,预计 4 月发货。此前 TUBBZ 系列还曾推出过里昂、克莱尔、吉儿、克里斯等主题小黄鸭。官网地址:Numskull

Numskull announced that its tubbz series has launched a new batch of biochemical crisis linked ducklings. The five new products are IDA, pursuer, Hank, merchant and tofu. The price of each product is US $12.99. At the same time, it only costs US $50 to buy five new products. The appointment has been opened, and the delivery is expected in April. before

标签: 生化危机