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《最终幻想14》PS5次世代版本公布 PS4用户免费升级

Ps5 next generation version of Final Fantasy 14 announced free upgrade for PS4 users

2021-02-06 15:46:53来源: 游戏时光

Square Enix 此前刚刚公布了资料片《最终幻想14 晓月的终焉》的一些新消息,而在发布会的最后,他们还透露《最终幻想14》的 PS5 版本正在制作中,将于 2021 年 4 月 13 日进行公开测试。目前 PS4 版的《最终幻想14》可以通过向后兼容在 PS5 上玩,但新的 PS5 次世代版本将有性能和图形上的优势,玩家可以在两个模式下任选其一运行 —— 原生 4K 分辨率模式和使用 1440P 分辨率的帧率优先模式。无论如何,PS5 版本将有更快的加载速度、更稳定的性能和更好的视觉效果。官方还没有给出具体的发布日期,不过据说公测结束后服务将全面铺开。来源:GameSpot

Square Enix has just released some new news about the expansion film "the end of Final Fantasy 14", and at the end of the press conference, they also revealed that the ps5 version of "Final Fantasy 14" is in production and will be publicly tested on April 13, 2021. At present, the PS4 version of Final Fantasy 14 can be played on the ps5 through backward compatibility, but the new ps5 next generation version will have the advantages of performance and graphics. Players can choose one of the two modes to run: native 4K resolution mode and frame rate priority mode with 1440p resolution. In any case, ps5 version will have faster loading speed, more stable performance and better visual effect. The official hasn't given a specific release date, but it is said that the service will be in full swing after the public beta. Source: gamespot

标签: 最终幻想 PS4 PS