新关注 > 信息聚合 > 半放置类游戏《龙崖》正式上线WeGame 限时福利开启

半放置类游戏《龙崖》正式上线WeGame 限时福利开启

Semi placement game "dragon cliff" officially launched

2021-02-04 12:26:48来源: 游戏时光

《龙崖》已于今日在 WeGame 平台上线。在 2 月 4 日至 2 月 18 日期间购入的玩家,可以享受到限时福利,全网历史最低价 11 元即可入手本作。《龙崖》是一款半放置游戏。玩家可以培养冒险者、打宝造装备、配置天赋点、研究技法、提升城镇、对外探索、解锁卷轴,打造风格各异的战队。游戏中包含 25 种冒险职业可供选择,每个职业都有专属的战斗方式、战法以及天赋成长体系,在战斗中都有独一无二的策略性玩法。游戏采用即时指令战斗系统。战斗中,冒险者自动执行回合并积累战意,而玩家则主要通过战意释放战法来改变战局。游戏包含数百种装备、卷轴可供收集和制造。附魔、重铸与特效转移系统,允许玩家自定义符合自己战术需求的冒险装备。游戏内含有种类繁多的宝石镶嵌以及组合特效,还有藏匿于 7 大地图中超过 200 种妖魔鬼怪等候玩家挑

Dragon cliff was launched on wegame today. Players who buy from February 4 to February 18 can enjoy limited time benefits. The lowest price in the history of the whole network is 11 yuan. "Dragon cliff" is a half placed game. Players can cultivate adventurers, build equipment, configure talent points, study techniques, improve towns, explore abroad, unlock scrolls, and create teams with different styles. There are 25 kinds of adventure classes to choose from in the game. Each class has its own fighting mode, fighting method and talent growth system, and has a unique strategic playing method in fighting. The game uses the immediate command combat system. In a battle, the adventurer will execute the turn automatically and accumulate the battle intention, while the player will change the situation by releasing the battle tactics. The game contains hundreds of equipment and Scrolls for collection and production. Enchant, recast and special effects transfer system, allowing players to customize their own tactical needs of adventure equipment. The game contains a wide range of gemstone inlays and combined special effects, as well as more than 200 kinds of monsters hidden in 7 maps waiting for players to pick

标签: 游戏