新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《真·三国无双》手游版现已开启事前登录


"True Three Kingdoms matchless" mobile game version is now open, login in advance

2021-02-04 10:45:31来源: 游戏时光

日本光荣特库摩在 2020 东京电玩展公开的手机游戏新作《真·三国无双》,近日正式开启事前登录,并于官方推特同时开启转推征集活动。视频地址 手游版《真·三国无双》在保留原作人物养成模式和武器锻造系统等玩法的基础上,适当提供了“自动”模式。为适应不同玩家的游玩习惯,游戏提供横屏和竖屏两种操作方式,让玩家自由选择。游戏在多人模式方面还提供联机对战与合作模式。目前官网与推特正在进行游戏预约及“我与真三国无双的种种”征文活动,获选的玩家作品会收集到官方 PV 中,感兴趣的玩家可自行参与。点击传送:官网 推特

&Japan's glorious tekumo's new mobile game "true, unique in Three Kingdoms", which was released at the Tokyo 2020 video game show, has recently officially launched a pre login, and launched a re tweeting campaign at the same time as the official twitter. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; mobile game version of "true · matchless Three Kingdoms" provides "automatic" mode on the basis of retaining the original character cultivation mode and weapon forging system. In order to adapt to the playing habits of different players, the game provides horizontal and vertical screen operation modes, allowing players to choose freely. The game also provides online combat and cooperation mode in multiplayer mode. At present, the official website and twitter are engaged in game booking and essay solicitation activities of "I am unique with the real Three Kingdoms". The selected player's works will be collected into the official PV, and interested players can participate by themselves. Click to send: Official Website & amp; nbsp; twitter & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp;

标签: 手游