新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼希望PS5能在新财年出货1480万台,但并不容易


Sony hopes to ship 14.8 million ps5 units in the new fiscal year, but it's not easy

2021-02-04 10:21:41来源: 游戏时光

索尼之前公开了2020 财年第三季度财报,在之后的季度财报电话会议上,高管透露索尼计划在 2021 财年(2021 年 4 月至 2022 年 3 月)出货超过 1480 万台 PS5,也就是超过 PS4 在 2014 财年同期的纪录。不过官方也提到全球半导体短缺的问题,这个目标能否实现还不好说。 索尼副社长兼首席财务官十时裕树在电话会议上说:我们相信,玩家对 PS5 的强劲需求在新财年里将会持续下去。与原定计划相比,我们将尽量按照 PS4 上市第二年的 1480 万台水平采购零部件,我们希望 PS5 能超过 PS4 的这个水平。十时也补充了索尼的担忧,主要是全球半导体的短缺问题,就算索尼要增加产能,还是会受到全球范围困难形势的制约。但十时提到,索尼「正在尽最大努力,争取在出货量上超过原计

Sony previously disclosed its financial report for the third quarter of fiscal year 2020. In the subsequent quarterly financial report conference call, senior executives revealed that Sony plans to ship more than 14.8 million ps5 in fiscal year 2021 (April 2021 to March 2022), which is more than the record of PS4 in the same period of fiscal year 2014. However, the government also mentioned the shortage of semiconductors in the world. It is not clear whether this goal can be achieved. &"We believe that the strong demand for the ps5 will continue in the new fiscal year," Sony vice president and chief financial officer Yushu Shi said on a conference call. Compared with the original plan, we will try our best to purchase parts at the level of 14.8 million units in the second year of PS4's launch. We hope that ps5 can surpass PS4's level. 10:00 also added to Sony's worries, mainly about the shortage of global semiconductors. Even if Sony wants to increase production capacity, it will still be restricted by the difficult situation on a global scale. However, it was mentioned at 10:00 that Sony "is trying its best to surpass the original plan in terms of shipment volume

标签: PS 索尼