新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】国产恐怖游戏《烟火》现已在Steam正式发售


[welfare] the domestic horror game "fireworks" is now on sale in steam

2021-02-04 15:04:13来源: 游戏时光

由拾英工作室开发,Gamera Game 代理发行的国产恐怖解谜游戏《烟火》于今日正式在 Steam 平台发售。游戏定价 36 元,首周购买可享 9 折优惠,折后仅需 32 元。同时,所有购买游戏的玩家,还可以免费领取游戏原声集。作为一款本土题材恐怖悬疑解谜游戏,《烟火》聚焦于一场发生在山中小镇的灭门惨案,牵扯出复杂的人际关系,新人警察林理洵、支教老师陈青穗、医生叶敬山,以及田家一门四口。玩家要通过对这些角色的描写,以及剧情的层层推进,来揭开灭门惨案的真相。在游戏中,玩家除了可以体验到本土气息和丝丝入骨的寒意之外,还会遭遇到各种谜题。同时,购买游戏的玩家还可以免费领取名为“火树银花”的《烟火》原声集。在这张原声集中,包括主题曲“火树银花”,陈青穗演奏版《送别》等在内,一共有 8 首曲子。在本文评论区留言,你就有

Developed by Shiying studio and released by GAMERA game agent, the domestic horror puzzle game "fireworks" was officially released on steam platform today. The price of the game is 36 yuan. You can enjoy a 10% discount for the first week, and only 32 yuan after the discount. At the same time, all players who buy the game can also get the original soundtrack of the game for free. As a local theme horror mystery game, "fireworks" focuses on a massacre in a small town in the mountains, involving complex interpersonal relationships, including new policeman Lin Lixun, supporting teacher Chen qingsui, doctor Ye Jingshan, and four members of Tian family. Players should reveal the truth of the massacre through the description of these characters and the promotion of the plot. In the game, players can not only experience the local flavor and the chill, but also encounter a variety of puzzles. At the same time, players who buy the game can also get the original sound collection of fireworks, which is called "fireworks". In this original album, including the theme song "fire trees and silver flowers" and Chen qingsui's performance version "farewell", there are a total of 8 songs. Leave a message in the comments section of this article, and you will have

标签: 游戏 Steam