新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本游戏周销量1.25~1.31:《桃太郎电铁》霸榜11周


Japan game week sales 1.25-1.31: taotaro electric railway dominates the list for 11 weeks

2021-02-04 22:22:45来源: 游戏时光

由 Fami 通统计的日本地区上周(1.25~1.31)游戏/硬件销量现已公布。《桃太郎电铁 昭和平成令和全都来!》夺得上周周销量头冠,该作已达成周销量 11 连冠,周销量为 7.9 万份。本作总销量在今日突破 250 万份。新作方面,知名策略角色扮演游戏《魔界战记6》上周也来势汹汹,两个平台的首周销量均在前十之列:Switch 平台排第 4 位,PS4 平台排第 6 位,总共卖出 3.9 万份。硬件方面,上周 Switch 以 8.7 万台销量高踞榜首,PS5 则是迎来了发售第 12 周,标准版和数字版上周合计销量为 2.5 万台,至今为止的总销售量达到了 32.7 万台。Xbox Series X/S 上周合计卖出 1099 台。2021.1.25~1.31 日本地区游戏销量第一名《桃太郎电铁 昭和平成令和

Last week's (1.25-1.31) game / hardware sales in Japan by famitong have been announced. Taotaro diantiezhao peace order and all come! 》It won the first place in last week's sales volume. It has achieved 11 consecutive titles in weekly sales volume with 79000 copies. The total sales volume of this work exceeded 2.5 million copies today. In terms of new works, the well-known strategic role-playing game "devil's world 6" also came in last week. The first week sales of both platforms were in the top 10: switch platform ranked fourth, PS4 platform ranked sixth, with a total of 39000 copies sold. In terms of hardware, switch topped the list with 87000 units last week, while ps5 ushered in the 12th week of sale. The total sales volume of standard and digital versions last week was 25000 units, and the total sales volume so far has reached 327000 units. The Xbox series X / s sold 1099 units last week. From January 25, 2021 to January 31, 2021, the game sales volume in Japan ranked first

标签: 游戏