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《怪物猎人 崛起》「随从隐密队」介绍视频公开

Introduction video of "secret team of entourage" in "the rise of Monster Hunter"

2021-02-04 18:06:12来源: 游戏时光

卡普空于今日公开了《怪物猎人 崛起》 中的怪物调查队 ——「随从隐密队」的介绍视频,一起来看看吧:随从隐密队是由艾露猫首领冬风管理的怪物调查队。队员会乘上冬风特制的风筝,从上空巡逻指定的调查地点,取得怪物素材和采集道具。 《怪物猎人 崛起》将于 3 月 26 日登陆 Switch 平台,支持简繁中文。来源:卡普空

Kapukong today released the introduction video of the monster investigation team in "the rise of the monster hunter" - the entourage secret team. Let's have a look: the entourage secret team is a monster investigation team managed by the leader of AILU cat, Dongfeng. The team members will take the kite specially made by the winter wind and patrol the designated investigation site from the sky to obtain monster materials and collect props. &"The rise of the monster hunter" will be launched on the switch platform on March 26, supporting simplified and complex Chinese. Source: kapukong

标签: 怪物猎人 视频