新关注 > 信息聚合 > 完美世界游戏获《哪吒》《大圣归来》《姜子牙》游戏改编权


Perfect world game won the adaptation rights of Nezha, the return of the great sage and Jiang Ziya

2021-02-01 14:47:48来源: 游戏时光

完美世界游戏宣布,已于近日与“光线传媒旗下彩条屋影业达成战略合作,获得《哪吒之魔童降世》《西游记之大圣归来》《姜子牙》的 IP 游戏改编授权”,计划推出相应的改编游戏。 以下为公告原文:​​近日,完美世界游戏与光线传媒旗下彩条屋影业达成战略合作,获得《哪吒之魔童降世》《西游记之大圣归来》《姜子牙》三大国产动画电影 IP游戏改编授权,双方将共同携手打造中国神话IP体系游戏产品。近年来,中国原创动画电影快速崛起,越来越多优秀的动画作品和团队获得市场与粉丝的认可。光线彩条屋影业旗下《西游记之大圣归来》《哪吒之魔童降世》《姜子牙》先后上映并连续获得票房和口碑的成功,彩条屋中国神话系列IP成功融合中国传统文化和年轻流行元素,已经成为中国原创动画IP标杆。完美世界游戏作为国内领先的游戏厂商,近年来成功推出多个富有

Perfect world game announced that it has recently reached a strategic cooperation with "the color bar house film industry of light media" and obtained the IP game adaptation authorization of "the magic child of Nezha", "the return of the great sage of journey to the west" and "Jiang Ziya", and plans to launch the corresponding adaptation games. &Recently, perfect world games and light media's color bar house film industry have reached a strategic cooperation, and won the three major domestic animation film IP game adaptations of "Nezha's devil child comes to the world", "journey to the West's great sage returns" and "Jiang Ziya". The two sides will work together to create Chinese myth IP system game products. In recent years, the rapid rise of Chinese original animation films, more and more excellent animation works and teams are recognized by the market and fans. "Journey to the west, the return of the sage", "the magic child of Nezha" and "Jiang Ziya" of light color bar house have been released successively and won box office and public praise successively. The Chinese myth series IP of color bar house has successfully integrated Chinese traditional culture and young popular elements, and has become the IP benchmark of Chinese original animation. As a leading game manufacturer in China, perfect world has successfully launched several rich games in recent years

标签: 游戏 完美世界