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《罪恶装备 -STRIVE-》新预告:详解游戏各模式

New notice of "evil equipment - strong" -- explain the game modes in detail

2021-01-25 13:53:04来源: 游戏时光

Arc Sysrem Works 在今日公开了格斗游戏《罪恶装备 -Strive-》的最新预告。预告在展示《罪恶装备》系列一路以来的发展之后,先后介绍了游戏的各个模式,包含教学模式、街机模式、生存模式、事件模式、对战模式、训练模式、Online模式、玩家比赛、比赛回放模式和故事模式等等。本作支持PS4、PS5跨平台对战,玩家在等待匹配的时候可以先进入训练模式练练手感。游戏还包含一个名为「GG世界」的模式,该模式中玩家可以查看《罪恶装备》系列时间线、专属名词解释和角色人物关系等内容;此外也有画廊模式供玩家翻阅这个系列的原画、视频等。 Arc System Works 表示游戏在发售后会有持续不断的内容更新,敬请玩家期待。《罪恶装备 -Strive》预计于4月9日发售,中文版同步,购买豪华版和究极版的玩家可以提

Arc sysrem works today released the latest preview of the fighting game "evil gear strive -". After showing the development of "evil equipment" series all the way, the preview introduces various modes of the game, including teaching mode, arcade mode, survival mode, event mode, combat mode, training mode, online mode, player game, game playback mode and story mode, etc. This work supports PS4, ps5 cross platform combat, players can first enter the training mode to practice hand feeling when waiting for matching. The game also includes a mode called "GG world", in which players can view the timeline, exclusive noun explanation and character relationship of "evil equipment" series; in addition, there is a gallery mode for players to browse the original paintings and videos of this series.

标签: 游戏