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《生化危机 村庄》里的贵妇有多高?或许超过2米

How tall is the lady in biochemical crisis village? Maybe more than 2 meters

2021-01-25 12:17:53来源: 游戏时光

《生化危机 村庄》DEMO 中出现的贵妇最近在玩家中讨论热度非常高,尽管只是在试玩版最后环节简单的亮相,但高大的身躯还是震撼到了不少玩家。那么这位贵妇究竟有多高呢?近日有一位叫做“Ash”的网友通过游戏内素材和现实物品进行比对,得出了她的结论:约为 2.4 米。她的论据很简单,在试玩版中完成酒窖谜题后玩家能够找到一本书,其中详细介绍了 Dimitrescu 家族作为酿酒师的历史。在这本书中有这么一段描述:“Dimitrescu 城堡的酿酒技术可以追溯到 15 世纪。”那么这座城堡很有可能建于 15 世纪。而在游戏中,贵妇的身高与城堡门顶的高度大致相仿。通过比对现实中 15 世纪城堡门的普遍高度,可以了解到贵妇的身高大约在 96 英寸(约为 2.4 米)。 值得一提的是,姚明的身高是 2.26 米。当然

The lady appeared in demo of biochemical crisis village is very popular among the players recently. Although she only appeared in the last part of the trial version, her tall body still shocked many players. How tall is this lady? Recently, a netizen named "ash" drew her conclusion by comparing the material in the game with the real objects: it is about 2.4 meters. Her argument is simple. After completing the cellar puzzle in the demo version, players can find a book that details the history of the dimitrescu family as winemakers. There is a description in the book: "the brewing technology of dimitrescu castle dates back to the 15th century." So the castle is likely to have been built in the 15th century. In the game, the height of the lady is roughly the same as that of the top of the castle gate. By comparing the common height of the castle gate in the 15th century, we can know that the height of the lady is about 96 inches (about 2.4 meters). &It is worth mentioning that Yao Ming is 2.26 meters tall. of course

标签: 生化危机