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At the perfect carnival, we visited the "steam platform" laboratory

2021-01-16 15:28:16来源: 游戏时光

完美电竞嘉年华目前正在举办期间,从 2021 年 1 月 16 日持续到 18 日结束。5000 平米的厂房囊括了《Dota2》和《CS:GO》等展区,当然最让我好奇的,势必是完美世界和 Valve 合作推出的「蒸汽平台」。现场总共展示了 15 款游戏,分别是国内的《汐》《完美的一天》《鬼谷八荒》《魔法洞穴2》《轮回深渊》《三国志汉末霸业》《古剑奇谭3》《了不起的修仙模拟器》《戴森球计划》《沙石镇时光》和《超级巴基球》;国外则有《面条人》《双点医院》,以及《非常英雄》和 Devolver 的《赦免者》。「蒸汽平台」实验室的展台设计也非常有意思,能看到 Steam 玩家熟悉的一些老梗。就在几天前,Valve 在年度回顾中提到「蒸汽平台」将于 2021 年初登陆中国。但其实本次活动并没有公开太多平台进度的

The perfect E-sports carnival is currently being held from January 16 to 18, 2021. The 5000 square meter plant includes "dota2" and "CS: go" and other exhibition areas. Of course, what I am most curious about is the "steam platform" jointly launched by perfect world and valve. A total of 15 In China, there are Xi, perfect day, ghost Valley, Magic Cave 2, reincarnation abyss, Three Kingdoms and the end of Han Dynasty, ancient sword fantasy 3, the great Xiuxian simulator, Dyson ball project, shashizhen time and super Bucky ball; in foreign countries, there are noodle man, double point hospital, very hero and devolver The Pardoner. The booth design of the "steam platform" laboratory is also very interesting. You can see some old stalks familiar to steam players. Just a few days ago, valve mentioned in its annual review that "steam platform" will land in China in early 2021. But in fact, this activity did not disclose too much progress of the platform

标签: 嘉年华