新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天涯明月刀》IP嘉年华:国风+电竞=武侠MMO新标配


"Tianya Mingyue Dao" IP Carnival: Guofeng + E-sports = new standard of martial arts MMO

2021-01-08 17:26:45来源: 触乐

2020年12月23日,《天涯明月刀》IP嘉年华暨手游“剑荡八荒”S1开幕式在上海九棵树艺术中心举行。这场嘉年华包括了国风市集、华服秀、明星演出、电竞比赛等活动,从下午2点开始,一直持续到深夜——虎牙、斗鱼对抗赛结束后,孔明灯与无人机表演把气氛推向最高潮。 坦白地说,参加《天涯明月刀》IP嘉年华,我的目标就是“轻松”和“热闹”。2020年,包括游戏在内的所有行业都受到大环境影响而浮浮沉沉,一个轻松热闹的嘉年华无疑会为人们的心情增加一点亮色。 从嘉年华现场来看,它也的确做到了。 ■ 国风市集 到达嘉年华场地,我首先感受到的是《天涯明月刀》玩家的热情,考虑到九棵树艺术中心地处上海奉贤区,距离市中心车程超过1小时,能呼

On December 23, 2020, the opening ceremony of "Tianya Mingyue Dao" IP Carnival and mobile travel & amp; quot; jiandangbahuang & amp; quot; S1 was held in Shanghai jiukeshu Art Center. The carnival includes Guofeng market, Chinese costume show, star performance, E-sports competition and other activities. It started at 2 p.m. and lasted until late at night & amp; mdash; & amp; mdash; after the tiger teeth and fighting fish competition, Kong Mingdeng and UAV performance pushed the atmosphere to the climax.

标签: 电竞 嘉年华