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DNF衍生端游《Project BBQ》最新演示公布

DNF derivative end game "project BBQ" latest demonstration announced

2020-12-27 14:06:02来源: 游戏时光

在 12 月 26 日的《地下城与勇士》韩服发布会上,除了新公布的《地下城与勇士 对决》外,游戏开发商 Neople 公布了一段 6 分钟的 IP 衍生端游《Project BBQ》的最新演示 PV,展示了这个沉寂了两年之久游戏的更多内容。视频地址从视频中可以看出,此次演示先后展现了鬼剑士、神枪手、格斗家以及法师等多个职业的实战场景,其中诸如狂战士的「怒气爆发」、漫游枪手的 「移动射击」「乱射」等玩家们耳熟能详的经典职业技能也得到了相当的还原。此外,除 DNF 游戏角色以外,演示中还出现了 Neople 旗下动作网游《超能战联》中的角色。《Project BBQ》是由《地下城与勇士》IP 衍生出的 3D 动作 RPG 作品,以虚幻 4 引擎为基础开发,该作自 2018 年 12 月首次公布后就一直没有任何

On December 26, at the Hanfu launch of "dungeon and warrior", in addition to the newly released "dungeon and warrior duel", the game developer neople released a 6-minute IP derived terminal game "project BBQ" for the latest demonstration PV, showing more content of the game that has been silent for two years. Video address from the video, it can be seen that the demonstration successively shows the actual combat scenes of ghost swordsman, sharpshooter, combatant, mage and many other professions, such as the "outburst of anger" of crazy warrior and the "outburst of rage" of roaming gunner

标签: DNF