新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌声称未来将有400余款游戏登陆Stadia


Google claims that more than 400 games will be launched on stadia in the future

2020-11-27 08:20:28来源: 游戏时光

谷歌游戏服务总监 Jack Buser 接受采访时称,谷歌计划让 400 余款游戏登陆 Stadia ,这些游戏来自 200 多家开发商,并且其中大部分游戏将于 2021 年及之后登陆 Stadia。尽管没有给出单个游戏的具体信息,不过目前在 AndroidPolice 网站已经列出了 50 多款未公布的游戏以及 100 多款已经可在其他平台游玩的游戏。Buser表示,计划登陆 Stadia 的 400 余款游戏可作为谷歌打算长期发展该平台的证明。公司向 Stadia 平台投入了很多精力并且对其未来表现非常期待。目前谷歌对于Stadia 的未来规划已经延伸到了 2023 年。目前 Stadia 平台的开发团队包括谷歌内部的工作室以及 Harmonix 等合作伙伴。此外,谷歌已经聘请了一些业界知名人士,包括前育碧

Jack Buser, director of Google's game services, said in an interview that Google plans to launch more than 400 games from more than 200 developers, most of which will be launched in 2021 and beyond. Although the specific information of a single game is not given, more than 50 unpublished games and more than 100 games that can be played on other platforms have been listed on the Android police website. Buser said that the more than 400 games planned to land in stadia could serve as proof that Google intends to develop the platform in the long term. The company has invested a lot of energy in stadia platform and is looking forward to its future performance. At present, Google's future plan for stadia has been extended to 2023. At present, the development team of stadia platform includes Google's internal studio and partners such as Harmonix. In addition, Google has hired some industry celebrities, including former Ubisoft

标签: 游戏 谷歌