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《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》的画面和帧数表现如何?

What's the picture and frame number of the revelation of Selda?

2020-11-01 16:45:57来源: 游戏时光

  《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》前几天发布了一个 Demo,所有人都可以免费下载试玩,VG Tech 最近也针对这个试玩版做了一些分辨率和帧数的测试。  总体来看,本作游玩时的帧数在 20~30 帧之间浮动,取决于同屏敌人数量的多寡和特效。比如下图中空旷的地方能维持 30 帧,打怪时炸弹一炸就变成了 19 帧。  分辨率方面,TV 模式下游戏的动态分辨率最高为 1440x810,最低约为 1013x570,UI 保持 1920x1080。  便携模式下动态分辨率最高为 960x540,最低约为 676x380,UI 保持 1280x720。  不过,《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》的正式版本要等到 11 月 20 日才发售,届时游戏可能还会有优化。来源:NintendoLife

Selda Apocalypse released a demo a few days ago, which everyone can download for free. VG tech has also recently tested the resolution and frame number of this demo version. Overall, the number of frames in this game is between 20 and 30, depending on the number of enemies on the same screen and the special effects. For example, the open space in the figure below can maintain 30 frames, and when the bomb blows up, it becomes 19 frames. In terms of resolution, the highest dynamic resolution of the game in TV mode is 1440x810, the lowest is 1013x570, and the UI is 1920x1080. In portable mode, the maximum dynamic resolution is 960x540, the minimum is 676x380, and the UI is 1280x720. However, the official version of Selda Apocalypse will not be available until November 20, when the game may be optimized. Source: Nintendo life