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The birth of the first mobile game in the world

2020-10-31 07:09:26来源: 游戏时光

  世界上最受欢迎的手机游戏是什么?  现在的年轻人大概会将目光聚焦到《王者荣耀》身上,但如果放宽时间维度,你可能又会发现答案就静静躺在自家的抽屉里。它就是八、九十年代生人几乎都接触过的、诺基亚上的《贪食蛇》。  早期的手机游戏和今天有些不同,没有让人厌烦的氪金付费,没有强迫人定时上线的奖励机制。像《贪食蛇》这样由点线构成的作品,应该说本身就是传统游戏的一部分。  而世界上第一款手机游戏的创作者,出生自丹麦的克里斯蒂安·卡夫(Christian Kraft),在 1982 年盯着商店橱窗里新上架的电脑 Sinclair ZX81 而感到囊中羞涩时,脑海中还根本没有手机游戏这个概念。丹麦熊孩子  丹麦的孩子在娱乐上有一个天生优势,那就是他们能更早接触到土生土长于当地的乐高产品。  乐高可以说是小时候激发卡夫创造兴

What is the most popular mobile game in the world? Today's young people will probably focus on the glory of the king, but if you relax the time dimension, you may find that the answer lies quietly in your drawer. It's the greedy snake on Nokia, which almost all strangers have been exposed to in the 1980s and 1990s. The early mobile games were different from today. There was no boring krypton payment and no incentive mechanism to force people to go online regularly. A work composed of dots and lines like snake is a part of traditional games. Christian Kraft, the creator of the world's first mobile game, was born in Denmark. In 1982, when he was looking at the new Sinclair zx81 in the shop window and felt embarrassed, he didn't have the concept of mobile game in his mind. Danish bear children Danish children have a natural advantage in entertainment, that is, they can get in touch with local LEGO products earlier. LEGO inspired Kraft's creativity when he was a child

标签: 游戏