新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏角色人气总选举2020 女子8进4 DAY2投票帖

游戏角色人气总选举2020 女子8进4 DAY2投票帖

Game role popularity election 2020 women's 8-in-4 Day2 voting post

2020-10-27 18:00:00来源: 游戏时光

  1/4 决赛的第二天,也是最后一天。最后两个半决赛名额,谁能拿到手呢?  今天进行的是 8 强 3/4 组的赛事,来为你喜欢的角色投上一票吧!投票规则  ■ 在 9 月 21 日 18 点之前注册的游戏时光用户,均可参与本次投票  ■ 本场投票时间为 10 月 27 日 18:00 ~ 10 月 28 日 23:59  ※ 关于本次赛事的赛制、角色参选标准、完整入围名单,请点击此处查看。  ※ 如遇 2、3 名平票,则在战报中进行一轮加赛。淘汰赛具体分组请点击此处查看。  ※ 同时进行的还有男子 8 进 4 DAY2投票,请点击此处查看。  8 强对阵如下图所示,今天要进行的是 3 组 和 4 组的赛事: 8强3组 劳拉 VS 冬坂五百里  结束了在秘鲁一天的走访调查,劳拉决定晚上好好放松一下。她被牧濑红

The second and last day of the quarter finals. Who can win the last two semi-finals? Today is the top 8 3 / 4 group competition. Let's vote for your favorite role! Voting rules ■ game time users registered before 18:00 on September 21 can participate in the voting ■ the voting time is from 18:00 on October 27 to 23:59 on October 28 ⁃ for the competition system, role-playing criteria and complete shortlist of the competition, please click here to view. In case of two or three draws, an extra round will be played in the war report. Please click here to view the specific division of the knockout competition. At the same time, there are men's 8-in-4 Day2 voting, please click here to view. The top 8 matches are shown in the figure below. Today we will have three groups and four groups of matches:

标签: 游戏