新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拼图游戏《无尽旅图》正式上线Steam


Jigsaw puzzle "endless journey" officially launched steam

2020-10-28 10:39:48来源: 游戏时光

  拼图解谜游戏《无尽旅图》游戏现已在 Steam 平台正式上线,由心动网络代理,首周售价34元。  《无尽旅图》是一款有着独特画风与玩法的游戏。你可以把游戏中的地图移动、旋转、拼接成任何模样,并借此推动剧情。每一面地图都是一段故事,将故事与旋转的地图结合在一起,世界慢慢变得广博而丰富。   在游戏中,玩家将和制图师卡朵一头扎进一个绘本般的画中世界,运用自己的头脑和逻辑,在各个迥然不同的环境国度中冒险。  《无尽旅图》的制作团队是曾经开发过《策马入山林》和《说剑》的日头工作室,游戏移动端版也在制作中。

The puzzle game "endless journey" has been officially launched on steam platform. It is represented by cardio network and sold for 34 yuan in the first week. Endless journey is a game with unique painting style and playing method. You can move, rotate, and splice the maps in the game into any shape, so as to promote the plot. Every map is a story. By combining the story with the rotating map, the world gradually becomes broad and rich. In the game, players will plunge into a picture book like world with cartographer Kado, and use their own mind and logic to take risks in different countries. The production team of "endless journey" is the sun studio that once developed "riding horses into the mountains" and "talking sword", and the mobile version of the game is also in production.

标签: 游戏 Steam