新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蒸汽朋克风乙女游戏《蒸汽监狱》2021年2月25日登陆Switch


Steampunk girl b game "steam prison" landing on switch on February 25, 2021

2020-10-28 18:50:05来源: 游戏时光

  发行商 Dramatic Create 宣布,此前在 Steam/PSV 平台推出的乙女游戏《蒸汽监狱》(Steam Prison)即将于 2021 年 2 月 25 日登陆 Switch,并首次加入中文支持。  《蒸汽监狱》的故事舞台为一个乌托邦类蒸汽朋克世界,社会被分裂成富丽堂皇的天上乐园“上界”和污浊不堪的机械都市“下界”,玩家将扮演少女琪丝作为一名治安官来到了流放罪人的下界,并在这里见识到世界的不合理之处和形形色色的罪人。主角和可攻略角色介绍琪丝・提斯特拉(Cyrus Tistella,可更改姓名)  在上界出生长大。作为下级警察官守护着人们的生活,是一个非常严肃、贯彻正义、认真勤勉的人。由于正义感太强烈导致她经常和周围的人发生冲突。作为任务的一环受命前往下界视察。埃尔托克里德・瓦伦丁(Eltcre

Dramatic create, a publisher, announced that steam prison, a female game previously launched on steam / PSV platform, will be launched on switch on February 25, 2021, and will join Chinese support for the first time. The story stage of "steam prison" is a utopian Steampunk world. The society is divided into the magnificent paradise "upper world" and the filthy mechanical city "lower world". Players will play the role of girl Keith as a sheriff and come to the lower world of exiled criminals, where they can see the irrationality of the world and all kinds of criminals. Cyrus tistella was born and raised in the upper world. As a Junior Police Officer guarding people's lives, he is a very serious, just and diligent person. Because of her strong sense of justice, she often conflicts with people around her. As part of the mission, he was ordered to inspect the lower boundary. Eltcre

标签: 游戏 Switch