新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《彩京精选集》系列12款游戏将陆续上架中文数字版


12 games of Caijing collection will be launched in Chinese digital version

2020-10-28 16:20:04来源: 游戏时光

  Arc System Works 此前已在 Switch 平台推出了三弹“彩京合集”的经典作品移植版,今日官方宣布将在 eShop 单独推出“彩京”系列 12 款游戏,每款售价 59 港元(约合 51 元),均对应繁体中文。  Switch 平台“彩京合集”第一弹最早于 2018 年 9 月推出,收录有《STRIKERS 1945》《太阳表决》《战国 ACE》《武装飞鸟》;第二弹于 2018 年 11 月推出,收录有《STRIKERS 1945 II》《武装飞鸟2》《战国 Blade》《飞龙骑士》;第三弹于 2019 年 5 月推出,收录有《STRIKERS 1945 III》《战国 Cannon》《武装砖块物语》《零式战机2-》。官方宣布今日起第一弹和第二弹的售价将从 275 港元降至 229 港元(约合

Arc system works has previously launched a transplant version of the classic works of "Caijing collection" on the switch platform. Today, the official announced that 12 games of "Caijing" series will be launched separately in eshop, each of which costs 59 Hong Kong dollars (about 51 yuan), corresponding to traditional Chinese. The first missile of switch platform "Caijing collection" was first launched in September 2018, including "strikers 1945", "Sun vote", "Warring States ace" and "armed birds"; the second missile was launched in November 2018, including "strikers 1945 II", "armed birds 2", "Warring States blade" and "Flying Dragon Knight"; the third missile was launched in May 2019, including "strikers 1945" 3》 Cannon of the Warring States period, story of armed bricks, Zero fighter 2 -. The price of the first and second shells will be reduced from HK $275 to HK $229 from today, officials announced

标签: 游戏