新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《赛博朋克2077》的延期引发了一场“黄色”狂欢


The delay of "cyberpunk 2077" caused a "yellow" Carnival

2020-10-28 19:03:18来源: 游戏时光

  大概在今天凌晨的时候,VG 的工作群里传出一阵骚动 —— 因为《赛博朋克2077》又双叒延期了。  老实说这件事情并不让我意外,倒是我那来自“阴间发行商”Gamera Game 的朋友,发来一张模仿 CDPR 风格的黄底公告图,属实把我逗乐。  实际上,如果你在推特上搜索“Yellow Background”(黄色背景),就能发现模仿《赛博朋克2077》的延迟公告已经成为一种模因 (梗),无数玩家正在借助这种手段来宣泄心中的不满。  毕竟别人假也请了,老婆孩子都打发完了,薯片和快乐水也买好了,就想等着 11 月 19 日打两天游戏……  所谓看戏的不嫌事大,有闹事说《银河战士4》取消的,有自媒体说自己“真的”在做节目的,还有电竞社区报平安的。嗨各位,我发誓我们在做新节目,这绝对绝对是真的我保证《银

About early this morning, there was a commotion in VG's work group - because cyberpunk 2077 was delayed again. To be honest, this incident did not surprise me, but my friend from GAMERA game, the "Underworld distributor", sent me a yellow poster imitating the style of cdpr, which really amused me. In fact, if you search for "yellow background" on twitter, you can find that the delayed announcement imitating "cyberpunk 2077" has become a meme & nbsp; (stem), and countless players are using this method to vent their dissatisfaction. After all, other people have taken leave, their wives and children are all finished, and they have bought potato chips and happy water, so they want to wait for November 19 to play games for two days The so-called theater goers don't think it's too big. There are troublemakers who say "Galaxy warrior 4" is cancelled, we media who say they are "really" doing a program, and E-sports community newspaper Ping An. Hi, everyone. I swear we're doing a new show. It's absolutely true. I promise silver