新关注 > 信息聚合 > 育碧全新VR游戏《AGOS:宇宙的游戏》发布预告


Announcement of Ubisoft's new VR game agos: the game of the universe

2020-10-29 13:34:01来源: 游戏时光

  今日,育碧中国官博发布了旗下全新宇宙探索冒险 VR 游戏《AGOS:宇宙的游戏》的预告片。视频地址  该作的故事背景设定在 2057 年,玩家将在游戏中扮演人工智能,操控最后一艘飞船,乘载着一群幸存者离开已不宜居住的地球,穿越 8 个独特的恒星系去寻找新的家园。  游戏中,玩家可以通过收集稀有资源,探索废弃的空间站,还能与其他飞船展开交易以满足探索需求。另外,玩家还可以通过建造探测器,解锁部件来升级强化飞船,助力在太空中更加顺利的遨游。该作针对 VR 进行了名为“免晕动系统”的优化,确保玩家获得更加良好的游戏体验。  《AGOS:宇宙的游戏》兼容 Oculus Rift、HTC Vive 、Valve Index 以及 Windows Mixed Reality 头显设备,该作已于 10 月 28 日登陆

Today, Ubisoft China official blog released the trailer of its new space exploration adventure VR game agos: the game of the universe. Video address the background of the story is set in 2057. Players will play the role of artificial intelligence in the game, control the last spaceship, take a group of survivors to leave the uninhabitable earth, and travel through eight unique star systems to find a new home. In the game, players can collect rare resources, explore abandoned space stations, and trade with other spaceships to meet the needs of exploration. In addition, players can also build detectors and unlock parts to upgrade and strengthen the spaceship to help them travel more smoothly in space. This work optimizes VR with the name of "no stun system" to ensure that players get a better game experience. Agos: the game of the universe is compatible with oculus rift, HTC vive, valve index and windows mixed reality head display devices. It was launched on October 28

标签: 游戏 VR