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The 25th anniversary of legend of the sword 3

2020-10-15 14:18:00来源: 游戏时光

  SQUARE ENIX 宣布,动作 RPG《圣剑传说3 重制版》将于近日推出更新。同时,为了纪念原版《圣剑传说3》迎接 25 周年,将举办《圣剑传说》系列下载版优惠活动。《圣剑传说3 重制版》1.1.0 更新新增「没有未来」难度,这个难度将可以挑战更强大的敌人和 boss,并对某些能力和物品使用进行限制,增加了 boss 战的时间限制。玩家可获得更强的装备,使用新的连结技能。此难度必须通过新游戏+来选择并强制重置等级为 1。玩家在开始新游戏+时,新增了「极为困难」 难度选择。此外,新游戏+还增加了将角色恢复到 1 级的选项。在重置角色职业后或开始新游戏+时,可以继承解锁的服装。在地图中增加了女神像、修复了 BUG 等。时间限制  以「没有未来」难度游玩通关后的故事至最后,可以获得「拉比兔拖鞋」。只要装备这双

Square Enix announced that the action RPG "Legend of the sword 3 times plate making" will be updated in the near future. At the same time, in order to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the original legend of the sword 3, we will hold a series of downloadable promotional activities. New "no future" difficulty has been added in the 1.1.0 update of "Legend of the holy sword 3 times plate making". This difficulty can challenge more powerful enemies and boss, and limit the use of certain abilities and items, thus increasing the time limit of boss war. Players can get stronger equipment and use new linking skills. This difficulty must be selected through the new game + and forced to reset to level 1. When players start a new game +, they add the "extremely difficult" difficulty option. In addition, the new game + also added the option to restore the character to level 1. You can inherit the unlocked clothing when you reset the character's class or start a new game +. The goddess statue and bug have been added to the map. The time limit is "no future" difficulty to play the story after customs clearance. Finally, you can get "Rabbi rabbit slippers". Just equip this pair