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Tiktok people who oppose the game

2020-10-15 17:15:04来源: 游戏时光

  经常逛社交媒体的朋友,最近大概经常会刷到一个小学四年级温州姑娘的抖音视频。在这段美颜开得有点过分的短片中,她对着镜头一字一句、铿锵有力,眼神坚定地呼吁道:“关掉关掉,一定要关掉,再不关掉那些网络游戏,小孩哪有美好的未来,哪有美好的前程,祖国哪有栋梁之才……”这位小姑娘也被人亲切的誉为“关掉姐”  因为实在太过魔性,很快被人当成素材,做成各种鬼畜。  比如有加布·纽维尔(G 胖)出演的“自断财路”版本,马化腾的“打开打开,一定要打开网络游戏”版本。视频原发布者“苗儿阅读记”倒是审时度势的将短片置顶,轻松赚取流量,任由下方的评论区战成一片。  事实上,在抖音、快手这种深耕下沉市场三四线城市的平台中,反对游戏的声音并不少见。抖音上打着“#反对游戏”标签的话题群组至少有几十个,相关视频的播放量也是从几次到几百万次不

Friends who tiktok social media often brush up on the Wenzhou girls' voice in primary school grade four. In this short video, Meiyan opens a little too much. She looks at the camera word by word, sonorous and forceful. Her eyes firmly appeal: "turn it off, be sure to turn it off. If you don't turn off those online games again, how can children have a bright future, a bright future, and a pillar of our country..." The little girl was also affectionately known as "turn off sister", because it was too magical, and soon she was used as material to make all kinds of ghost animals. For example, there are Gaby Newell's version of "breaking the way of making money" and Ma Huateng's version of "open, open online games". The original publisher of the video, miao'er's reading notes, decided to put the short film at the top, easily earn traffic, and let the comment area below become one. Tiktok Kwai, the city's platform for the three or four tier cities, is not unusual for the game. There are at least dozens of topic groups in the tiktok tag, and the video is also from several times to millions of times.

标签: 游戏 抖音