新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏角色人气总选举2020 男子G/H组投票帖

游戏角色人气总选举2020 男子G/H组投票帖

Voting posts of 2020 men's g / h group in the game character popularity election

2020-10-15 18:00:51来源: 游戏时光

  终于来到本届总选举 32 强小组赛的最后一轮对阵,也就是 G/H 组的比赛。如果你心仪的选手已经闯进了 32 强,但在前几天的赛事里没有登场,那么今明两天就轮到他们表演了。顺带一提,昨天开始的比赛还没结束,如果你还没投票,现在还有机会。投票规则  ■ 在 9 月 21 日 18 点之前注册的游戏时光用户,均可在投票中选择最多 2 名角色  ■ 本场投票时间为 10 月 15 日 18:00 ~ 10 月 16 日 23:59  ※ 关于本次赛事的赛制、角色参选标准、完整入围名单,请点击此处查看。  ※ 如遇 2、3 名平票,则在战报中进行一轮加赛。小组赛具体分组请点击此处查看。  ※ 同时进行的还有女子 G/H 组投票,请点击此处前往。G 组  在这一组,克劳德的出线恐怕是毋庸置疑的了,剩下的疑问就是,组里

Finally came to the final round of the top 32 group match in this year's general election, that is, the g / h group match. If your favorite player has entered the top 32, but did not appear in the previous days, then it's their turn to perform today and tomorrow. By the way, the game that started yesterday is not over. If you haven't voted yet, you still have a chance. Voting rules ■ users of game time registered before 18:00 on September 21 can choose up to 2 roles in the voting ■ the voting time is from 18:00 on October 15 to 23:59 on October 16 ⁃ for the competition system, role participation criteria and complete shortlist of this competition, please click here to view. In case of two or three draws, an extra round will be played in the war report. Please click here to view the specific grouping of the group match. At the same time, there are women's g / h group voting, please click here to go. Group G in this group, Claude's qualification is no doubt, the rest of the doubt is, in the group

标签: 游戏